Meditation in Westchester

Vajra Light Kadampa Buddhist Center is a non-profit Buddhist meditation center in Westchester, NY. We offer instruction in meditation and Buddhist spiritual practice through meditation classes, retreats and special events. Taught by qualified Western teachers, Vajra Light's meditation classes are very easy to understand and apply to our daily lives. The classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners. Everyone welcome!

Where to Start

All of the classes listed below are a great place to start for both beginners and experienced meditators.

Classes are especially designed to help busy, modern people find more inner peace and happiness. No prior experience with Buddhism or meditation is necessary. Everyone is welcome! Please follow the links to individual class pages for more details about the current topics and pricing.

Sunday Mornings
10:30am -12:00pm

The Power of Compassion 

WITH kadam donna campanelli


Compassion is the key to truly helping others and our world, and is essential to our own happiness and fulfillment.

In this series, we are continuing our journey through the essential insights that make up the Buddhist path to enlightenment, also known as Lamrim.  We will explore the profound and inspiring benefits of generating the heart and mind of universal compassion. We help bring about world peace by cultivating compassion in our own mind and by sharing this compassionate mind with others. It will open us up to the extraordinary possibilities for joy, connection and enlightenment that this life offers us.

Everyone welcome; suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators.

Wednesday Evenings
7:00pm - 8:30pm

The Science Of Happiness
Tried and Tested Methods Of Modern Buddhist Meditation

with Kadam Donna Campanelli

Buddhist meditation is a scientific method for bringing about lasting happiness. In general, science is associated with the study of the material world, but actually science is a methodology in which we acquire knowledge through observation and experimentation.  It is precisely through this methodology that Buddha arrived at his insights into reality and how to attain our deepest wish - permanent happiness.

During this series, we will become the inner scientist, and in the process learn how to skillfully let go of those states of mind that give rise to our unhappiness, and to nurture those inner states of peace, kindness, wisdom and love that give rise to feelings of authentic, lasting happiness - thereby greatly improving our own lives, and the lives of those around us.

Everyone welcome; suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators.

Special Events

Residing In A Peaceful Heart
Intro to Buddhist Meditation
Half-Day Course

WITH kadam donna campanelli

Saturday, September 28
10:00Am – 1:00pm

In this introductory course, we will discover that the key to a happy life is learning to reside in a peaceful heart. And this is something we can all do! In fact, learning to develop a peaceful mind and abiding there is the very essence of Buddhist meditation. Not only does this peaceful mind give us the foundation for a happy life, it is also the basis for all higher attainments of the Buddhist spiritual path, such as love, compassion, patient acceptance and wisdom.

In this half-day course we will learn to develop and maintain such a peaceful, light, flexible heart. By stabilizing this experience, our heart becomes our real home, the place where we truly reside, the peace and happiness that we take with us everywhere we go, even when times are difficult.

US NKT-IKBU National Festival 2024

Fearless Heart
Buddha Vajrapani Empowerment & Teachings on Using the Five Forces to Create Inner Change



Fear and anxiety plague our world. As we deal with everything from minor insecurities and social anxiety to concerns about major world events, it's hard to find a sense of safety and tranquility. Even worse, our fears often stop us from doing what's right for ourselves and others. During this US Festival we will discover how to develop a spiritual power by relying on Buddha Vajrapani that will help us break out of this fearful state into a courageous, empowered attitude. We will also learn how to harness the five forces, a special inner tool, to bring about a radical, positive change in our life.

NKT IKBU International Fall Festival 2024

The Gateway To Highest Yoga Tantra
Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerments of Heruka & Vajrayogini & Commentary



As Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche explains in Modern Buddhism, the gateway through which we enter Tantra is receiving a Tantric empowerment. This bestows upon us special blessings that heal our mental continuum and awaken our Buddha nature. In this Festival Gen-la Dekyong will grant the empowerments of the principal Deities of Highest Yoga Tantra – Heruka and Vajrayogini – and introduce their essential practices.

The Healing Power of Loving Kindness
Finding Peace Weekend

November 8 – 10
with kadam donna campanelli

Kadampa Meditation Center New York
47 Sweeney Rd
Glen Spey, NY 12737

Sometimes life can seem like an endless repetition of the same old thing. It feels like we’re sleepwalking through our days, without meaning or purpose. Our heart can feel shut down, and we feel disconnected from life, from others, and even from ourselves. How can we find meaning and inspiration? How can we awaken our heart and expand into a new level of understanding, awareness, and experience?

Meditations on loving-kindness are simple, potent, and accessible even to busy people. In this weekend retreat, we will look at four different loving-kindness meditations that will help us develop confidence, relax, and improve our relationships with friends, family, and coworkers. We will emphasize how to integrate these meditations into your daily activities. You will feel empowered to use these practices throughout the rest of your life.

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FREE eBook download

How to Transform Your Life

“These instructions are scientific methods to improve our human nature.”

Free E-Book How to Transform Your Life.